Abstract submission
General information
Submitting an abstract does not mean that you are registered for the colloquium. These are 2 different stages. The author presenting the abstract must be registered for the congress.
Important Information: To submit an abstract, you must be identified by our server and therefore create your account (click on the « Submit an abstract » tab, then « create an account »).
With one account, you can only submit one abstract. If you would like to submit more than one, please contact us directly. : contact@agence-mo.com
Deadlines :
- November 15, 2022: opening abastract submission
- Notifications to authors throughout the opening of submissions, until the maximum number of hosting capacity has been reached
- March 20, 2023: closing abstract submission
The summary is entered electronically only. Abstracts sent by post or fax will not be considered.
Guidelines for abstract submission
The submission must obey the following rules, non-compliance with these rules leading to the rejection of the registration of the abstract:
- Enter the first and last name and contact details of the person who will present the communication
- Enter the title of your communication, the co-authors and their affiliations
- The communication must be submitted in English.
- No table or figure can be inserted in the entire body of the entry.
- Abstract 250 characters (includes all typed characters, including blanks and spaces):
- Backgroung/Rationale
- Material and Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion/Perspective
- CV of the corresponding author (and presenter): 150 characters
- At the end of the submission, click on « Submit »
Guidelines for posters
- Portrait format (higher than it is wide)
- Size: 48″ high x 36″ wide (91.44 cm x 121.92 cm)
- Print on white background